Sunday, October 18, 2020

Back to Florida

We left Las Vegas on Friday, October 2nd and headed towards San Antonio. We connected with I-10 in Phoenix and passed through Tucson, New Mexico, and Texas. Interstate 10 is 880-miles long across Texas.

We stopped in Castroville, Texas and met up with Julie’s sister Cindy and brother-in-law Terry. We hadn’t seen them since last January in Oceanside, CA at Camp Pendleton. They also full-time in their RV and travel around.

We made an appointment to see Julie & Cindy’s mom at her assisted living facility in San Antonio. It was good visiting with Bobbie and she enjoyed seeing us too. We all wore masks, social distanced, and sat outside for our visit. We felt really bad for Bobbie because her facility has been on lock-down since March to prevent any COVID-19 infections. Residents cannot leave the facility nor visit other residents, and have to eat their meals alone in their room. The good news is that there haven’t been any cases of COVID at her facility.

We left Castroville on October 10th, spent two nights in Biloxi on the way, and arrived back in Titusville, Florida last Wednesday. We’re here at the RV park until November 1st, when we unload our motorhome and put it in storage.

Last Wednesday we drove up to Daytona Beach to check on our house and deliver some New Mexico roasted chili peppers to new Facebook friends at Latitude Margaritaville. Bob and Maria used to live in Albuquerque and Julie connected with Maria. We really enjoyed meeting and visiting with them in person.

Our new house is coming along nicely. When we left Florida on August 1st, our house was pre-drywall. Now it’s nearly finished and ready to move in. We drove up today, while most of the workers were off, and we could look around. We do a walk-through with the builder next Thursday and close a week later on Thursday, October 29th. We start moving in on Friday, October 30th. We just can’t wait.    

Stay safe out there!

Steve & Julie Cornelius

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Hunkered Down in Las Vegas



We thoroughly enjoyed our two-weeks at Lake Powell. We left last Sunday and headed to Las Vegas with our friends Kris and Jan. Well, technically, we were in North Las Vegas, at the Nellis Air Force Base campground for a five-night stay.

This year’s stay in Las Vegas was like no other stay. No trips to a casino, no buffets, no shows, no trip to downtown or the strip. We just hunkered down in the campground.

We saw some old friends that we met three years ago here at Nellis, Craig and Peggy, from Seattle. They’re wintering here in Las Vegas and then Tucson. Last night we enjoyed some Steve-o-Ritas and catching up. Craig follows my blog, so we didn’t have much news for them.

The other day we were talking with Kris and Jan about what we miss with COVID and the global pandemic. We all really missed going out for breakfast. So this morning Kris and Jan fixed a breakfast of sausage patties and pancakes, while Julie prepared a green chili and grits casserole. Everything was very yummy!

We’re all Broncos fans so we watched Thursday Night Football with the Broncos and Jets. The Broncos beat the Jets, 37-28.    

We leave Las Vegas tomorrow morning and begin our trip back to Florida. Our new home construction is nearly finished and we’re scheduled to do our walk-through in two-weeks on October 16th and closing the following week on October 22nd.

Stay safe out there!

Steve & Julie Cornelius