Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Fairbanks, AK

We drove about 95 miles from Delta Junction to Fairbanks on Saturday, June 27th. We  decided to go out for breakfast on Sunday morning at Sam’s Sourdough Café. After breakfast, we headed to the nearby University of Alaska Fairbanks Museum of the North. We thoroughly enjoyed the museum.

On Sunday we invited friends of Julie’s sister Cindy over for a Steve-o-Rita. Larry and Cindy had been fishing for halibut and salmon in Homer which we were very interested to hear about. We enjoyed meeting them and sharing Alaska travel tips.     

Early Monday morning, Julie and I broke camp and took our motorhome to the local Freightliner repair shop to fix a “check engine light” issue. They found the problem and fixed it within a couple of hours so we went back to the campground.
Monday afternoon the four of us headed to Fox, AK, about 10-miles north of Fairbanks to the Silver Gulch brewery. It is America’s most northern brewery / brewpub. The brewpub was very nice so we tried some of their beer and had a few tasty appetizers.  

On the way back from Silver Gulch we stopped at the Alyeska Pipeline Visitor Center (trans-Alaska pipeline). The 800-mile long pipeline was built in 1977 to transport crude oil from Prudhoe Bay to a port in Valdez. It cost $8 billion to construct the pipeline, which uses a 48-inch diameter pipe and a dozen pumping stations.

We leave Fairbanks tomorrow and head to Denali for two nights. We have booked an 8-hour “Tundra Wilderness Tour” bus trip into Denali National Park and Nature Preserve for Thursday. We hope to see plenty of wildlife.

Steve & Julie Cornelius

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