Monday, August 12, 2013

Back to Colorado Springs & Pueblo

We left the Wright-Patterson AFB Family Campground on Thursday, August 1st. We renewed a new friendship with an Air Force retired Chief Master Sergeant we had met at Nellis AFB (Las Vegas) this past March. He was working at the Nelllis Family Campground office where we had stayed and he gave us some tips on flying space-available. It’s the second time we’re run into someone we had met at another place. We told him we’d see him next March when we go to the Las Vegas NASCAR races.

We left Dayton and headed west on I-70, where we overnighted in Mulberry Grove, Illinois at an RV park. On Friday we drove west through St. Louis and overnighted in Blue Springs, MO at a nice county park. We went out to Gates Barbeque and tried some of their “Kansas City-style” ribs. They were good, but our favorite ribs are still from the Country Tavern, near Tyler, Texas.
We left early on Saturday morning, August 3rd, and headed out on a side-trip to Lincoln, Nebraska, to take a look at a motorhome. We overnighted near York, NE on Saturday and on Sunday, we headed to Wilson Lake, near Sylvan Grove, Kansas. We stayed at the Minooka corps of engineer campground and it was well worth an overnight stop. The lake is long, with blue, clear water, and we had an awesome view of the lake from our campsite.

We arrived in Colorado Springs on Monday, August 5th and stayed at the Air Force Academy FamCamp for 2 nights. On Tuesday, Julie and I both had dental appointments. Then Tuesday evening, we met some friends for dinner at Hacienda Colorado to catch up on everything since we last saw them several months ago. We really enjoyed the evening with Vince, Lisa, Sal, Terri, Rick and Wendy.
On Wednesday, August 7th, we got our boat out of storage, picked up my two granddaughters (ages 7 and 10) and headed to Lake Pueblo State Park. The girls were really looking forward to going out on the boat, but it rained most of Wednesday and Thursday. My youngest daughter Jenny (the girls’ mom) joined us for dinner. Finally, the weather was sunny and warm on Friday morning so we went out for a couple of hours, before we had to take them home to Colorado Springs.

Our friends Rick & Diana came by our campsite on Friday night to grill out and enjoy dinner together. We grilled out, but ate dinner in the motorhome. During dinner, it started raining and then the skies opened up.
On Saturday, August 10th, I took our GMC Yukon to get the parking brake repaired. It stopped working a month or so ago after I accidently left it on one morning and towed the Yukon behind the motorhome for several hundred miles. We were lucky the brakes didn’t overheat and catch the car on fire. Our friend Wendy joined us for dinner on Saturday night.

On Sunday, our friends Candice, Mike and their daughter Misha, came down for the day. The weather was perfect with sunny skies and temperatures in the upper 80s.

Steve & Julie Cornelius            

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for inviting us to Hacienda and Pueblo. Enjoyed the visit...see you next time around.
