Saturday, May 23, 2015

Cloudy, Cold, Rainy Colorado

After spending the winter and early-spring going east and west along I-10, from Florida to California, we ended up in Las Cruces, New Mexico on April 29th. We got on I-25 for the first time since September, seven months ago, and headed north to Albuquerque to spend a week. We visited some very good friends there, before heading north again on I-25 for Colorado.

We arrived at Cheyenne Mountain State Park in Colorado Springs on May 8th for a 12-night stay. It was nice coming back to Colorado Springs to visit family and friends and to take care of doctor and dentist appointments.
However, the weather has been atypical Colorado spring weather. What happened to their 300+ days of annual sunshine? It rained, or was foggy or misting nearly every day in Colorado Springs. We only saw Pikes Peak and the sun one day. Thank goodness we missed the hail storms they had the week before our arrival.

We’re spending the Memorial Day weekend at Boyd Lake in Loveland, Colorado. On Tuesday, May 26th, we depart on a 3-month long trip to Alaska with our friends Vince & Lisa. We’ve been planning and anticipating this Alaska road trip for a couple of years, as they retired last October, and it’s their first big retirement road trip.    

Steve & Julie Cornelius

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