Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Seward to Soldotna

On Sunday night we enjoyed grilled halibut steak for dinner. We’re not sure, but we think the steaks we all enjoyed came from Julie’s 55-pound halibut.

Monday, July 13th, Vince and I went on a fishing charter with Seward Army Resort. There were 15 of us on the boat and it was a miserable day weather-wise…cold, cloudy, foggy at times, and raining most of the day. After about a 3-hour ride out of Resurrection Bay into the Gulf of Alaska, we reached our fishing spot for halibut.

It was about 250-feet to the bottom of the ocean floor there where we were fishing for the halibut. Our fishing lines had 4-pounds of lead weight attached to take the hook and bait to the bottom. All was well until you had to reel it back up, especially with a halibut on the hook. It took a lot of effort to reel it back up. However, both Vince and I caught our limit of two halibuts each.
Later we moved to a new spot to fish for black bass. I’d never seen one before, but they were fun to catch. All in all, other than the lousy weather, it was a good day of fishing. Vince caught 2 halibut, 2 black bass, 2 silver salmon, and 2 pink salmon. I caught 2 halibut, 2 black bass, and one silver salmon.

On the way back, we stopped briefly to watch a pod of humpback whales “bubble feeding”. Again, it was amazing to watch the whales.
Julie and Lisa met us at the resort fish house where our deck hand had fileted all our fish for us. We decided that we had way too much fish (about 130 pounds) to take with us and decided to ship it back to the USA via FedEx. We only kept some salmon and halibut to eat over the next two weeks, before we cross the border back into Canada on our way to Haines, AK.

Today we left Seward and drove about 90-miles to Soldotna. On the way, we crossed the Kenai River several times and saw many, many fishermen on the banks and in boats fishing, as the red salmon have started running. The salmon are coming back to spawn and die in the place that they were hatched.

We leave Soldotna tomorrow and drive about 75-miles to Homer where we plan to stay four days.
Steve & Julie Cornelius

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