Sunday, August 23, 2015

Colorado Springs

We arrived in Colorado Springs on Thursday, August 13th, for a 10-night stay at the U.S. Air Force Academy family campground. I’ve always been impressed by the historic B-52, tail number 053, that flew between 1956 and 1983 and is now on static display at the AF Academy.

We used our time in Colorado Springs to run errands and take care of some stuff. Our main priority was to get our motorhome chassis serviced (oil change, oil and fuel filters changed, lubed, etc.) after the nearly 10,000 mile trip to Alaska. We also got our bicycles tuned up and repaired.

We finally entered the 21st century last week by getting new Verizon smart phones and ditching the old Net10 prepaid cell phones we’d been using the past 5-years. We only paid $15/mo. for each Net10 cell phone service. We got those pre-paid cell phones to cut expenses as new retirees on a fixed income.

On Wednesday, we enjoyed an evening out for salad and pizza at Dion’s Pizza with my two daughters and two granddaughters, ages 12 and 9. We also enjoyed lunch and dinner with family and old friends.  
The weather was very nice during our days in Colorado Springs, but it rained several nights. The last few days were very hazy, as we were getting smoke from the wild fires in Oregon and Washington.

We drove to Lake Pueblo State Park, Colorado today for a week-long stay.
Steve & Julie Cornelius

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