Sunday, April 9, 2017


We left for Taiwan on Thursday morning, March 30th, and arrived on Friday evening, March 31st, after a 13 ½ hour United Airlines flight from San Francisco to Taipei. Our son Paul, his wife Ying, and our new grandson, Connor met us at the airport. We overnighted at the nearby Novotel hotel.

On Saturday we took the metro into Taipei and then took a shuttle bus to the Grand Hotel to spend one night. We met Ying’s parents at their home and later enjoyed dinner with them and their relatives.

After breakfast on Sunday, the five of us took the high-speed rail (HSR) from Taipei to Kaohsiung, where Paul and Ying live. It only takes about an hour and a half with a couple of stops and the train going up to 300kph (186 mph) at times during the 217-mile trip.

We thoroughly enjoyed spending time with Paul and Ying and getting to know our new grandson this past week. On Tuesday, our nephew Jeremy from Lompoc, California came by to visit. He is back packing and traveling all over the world on his own.

We left Kaohsiung on Thursday and headed back to Taipei and the Novotel hotel at the airport. We flew back to San Francisco on Friday morning. We left Taipei at 9:50AM Friday morning and arrived in San Francisco at 5:45AM on Friday morning because we crossed the International Dateline. We are still recovering from the jet lag.

We leave Sacramento on Tuesday, headed towards San Antonio, about a two-week trip, with stops along the way.  

Steve & Julie Cornelius

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