Saturday, June 3, 2017

Albuquerque, NM

We arrived in Albuquerque on Sunday, May 21st, and had a problem trying to get on Kirtland Air Force Base. We used to drive in the Eubank Gate, right next to the Family Campground, but we had read on-line not to try to come in that gate because of the new gate barriers. We’d read that there were several RVs in the campground with damage from coming through that gate.

So we decided to try the Gibson gate. We were about 1/8 of a mile from the gate and the security forces guy ran down the street to stop us. He told me I couldn’t come in the Gibson gate because I’d hit the security barriers and that I’d have to backup, turn around, and go in a different gate. I told him I couldn’t back up because we can’t when we’re towing our truck.

We disconnected our F-150 and Julie drove to the campground. I backed the motorhome up about 1/8 to ¼ of a mile and turned around with the help of the security forces guy. Then I came in the Truman gate with no problem. I got directions at the gate and I was on my way to the campground.      

We went to a retirement party on May 23rd for an old friend Kris. We met Kris and his wife Jan at Lake Powell back in 2009. Kris worked for the Army Corps of Engineers and was really looking forward to his retirement at age 55 and traveling with their RVs.

We spent our two weeks in Albuquerque just hanging out, seeing Kris and Jan a few times and visiting many of our favorite diners, cafes, and restaurants in the area.

Last Thursday afternoon we went with Kris and Jan on the Sandia Peak Tramway. Julie and I had never been on this tram before and thoroughly enjoyed the trip.

Later we went to the famous El Pinto restaurant for dinner. The food was awesome as usual.

We leave Albuquerque tomorrow morning, with an overnight stop in Raton, NM, headed to Colorado Springs for a week.

Steve & Julie Cornelius 

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