Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Cedar Key

We drove to Low Key Hideaway in Cedar Key, Florida last Thursday, December 20th for a six-night stay. We got set up in our campsite and put up our Christmas decorations.

The next day, we left our motorhome and drove our pickup 120-miles down to Palm Harbor near Tampa to attend our niece’s wedding on Friday night. The wedding was lots of fun. We got to see my three sisters and many of our nieces and nephews.

We drove back to Cedar Key on Saturday where our cat Shasta was waiting our return. My sister Marcia and brother-in-law Mike met us with their motorhome in Cedar Key as well as my sister Janet and her wife Nancy in their camping van.   

On Christmas Eve day, my sister Cathy, her son Benjamin, daughter Mickey, new son-in-law Andy and their children came up from the Tampa area to celebrate the holiday with us. Mike and Marcia hosted Christmas this year and we all thoroughly enjoyed the day, including a late-afternoon stop by the Tiki bar.

Steve & Julie Cornelius

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