Thursday, July 9, 2020

Still Hanging Out in Titusville

We’re still hunkered down in Titusville, Florida, but we’ve been busy. On Tuesday, June 30th, we witnessed the SpaceX launch of a GPS III satellite from Cape Canaveral. The clouds cleared enough so we could plainly see the rocket from our campsite at the RV park. SpaceX recovers their stage 1 boosters, to be used again, by having the booster land itself on a barge-like ship in the Atlantic. Very cool!

My sister Cathy drove across Florida from the Tampa area on Wednesday, July 1st to spend July 4th weekend with us. We also had my sister Marcia, brother-in-law Mike, and niece Stephanie come in on the same day in their motorhome for a week-long stay. They were here to meet with their Latitude Margaritaville salesman, their pool builder, and visit the home models to get ideas for their flooring, cabinets, countertops and other decorating for their new home. Their home will be on “Cheeseburger Drive” (upper left-site of map) while ours will be on “Sand Bar Lane” (upper right-side of map).

We spent July 4th just hanging out and playing cards at our RV park clubhouse. It was relaxing.

Julie and I have been watching the progress the past three weeks, as Minto builds our new home. We take a short trip up I-95 to Daytona Beach on Sunday afternoons to check on the progress. All the construction workers are off on Sundays, so it’s the best day for us to go take a look.

The finished house should look like this in a few months (late-October or early-November).

Stay safe out there!

Steve & Julie Cornelius

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