Thursday, December 3, 2015

Taiwan Wedding

Julie and I flew from San Antonio to Taipei on Tuesday, November 17th. We left San Antonio at 5:30AM on a flight to Houston and then on to San Francisco. We took a 6,500 mile, 14-hour flight from San Francisco to Taipei on United Airlines. We left at 1PM on Tuesday and arrived at 5PM on Wednesday. Needless to say, it was a very long travel day for us.

Our son Paul, my sister Janet and her partner Nancy met us at the airport. We all overnighted at the Novotel Hotel near the airport and enjoyed cocktails and dinner together. On Thursday morning we took the High Speed Rail to Kaohsiung, about an hour and a half ride.

Paul rented a car and drove to a popular park nearby to hike and see the Formosan macaques, also known as Formosa rock monkeys. They are the only native primates living in Taiwan.
The next day we headed to one of the schools where he teaches English. We really enjoyed seeing his students.
Then we traveled about 30-miles out of the Kaohsiung to Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center. The visitor’s center had an interesting art piece made entirely of old cell phones.

We met Ying’s family on Saturday and enjoyed sashimi for lunch. After lunch we went to the wedding venue for the rehearsal.

We thoroughly enjoyed Paul and Ying’s wedding on Sunday, November 22nd. It began with Paul coming to Ying’s parent’s apartment to ask her parents for her hand in marriage. We were already there waiting for his arrival around 9AM.


After observing the traditional wedding customs, we all departed for the wedding venue across town to attend the wedding ceremony and banquet. There were about 60-70 family members and friends who attended the wedding and banquet.    

We thoroughly enjoyed the wedding. We traveled back to Taipei on Monday, November 23rd and overnighted again at the Novotel Hotel. We met Ying’s parents and brother on Tuesday at the airport and all nine of us flew together on the same flights to San Antonio. We left Taipei at 1PM on Tuesday and arrived in San Francisco about 10:30AM on Tuesday. The flight was a little quicker with only 12-hours flying time. Then we connected to our flight to San Antonio. It was Ying’s parent’s first time in the USA.
Steve & Julie Cornelius

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