Monday, August 29, 2016

Colorado Springs

We spent 8 days in Colorado Springs going to doctor, dental, optometry and haircut appointments. Our friend Wendy came for dinner on Friday night at Cheyenne Mountain State Park and we caught up since she visited us in Key West last March.

On Sunday night we enjoyed seeing old friends Rick and Diana at a new, small craft brewery, Peaks N Pine. 

On Monday we enjoyed dinner at Olive Garden and visiting with my two daughters and two granddaughters. Our oldest granddaughter Audrey turned 13 in July and is in 8th grade. Hannah is 10 and is in 5th grade.

Our friends Mike and Candy and their daughter Misha joined us for dinner on Wednesday night. It was cool and rainy so we ate inside the motorhome. On Thursday night, our long-time friend Cheryl and Julie’s sister Deborah joined us for dinner.
We departed Colorado Springs last Friday, and after an overnight in Alamosa, arrived at Navajo State Park last Saturday, August 27th. We’re spending two weeks here just hanging out and relaxing.

Steve & Julie Cornelius

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