Tuesday, August 2, 2016

New York City

We met with my sister Marcia and brother-in-law Mike on Saturday in Jersey City, NJ at the Liberty Harbor RV Park. It began raining shortly after we got set up. We rode with Mike & Marcia and went out for dinner at Harold's New York Deli, somewhere past the Newark airport. The portions were absolutely huge.

Sunday morning we headed out to visit Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, which Julie and I had never visited before. We took a tour boat from New Jersey’s Liberty State Park. The Ellis Island museum was extremely interesting. From the 1890s until the beginning of World War I, some 12 million immigrants came through Ellis Island. It was interesting that 40% of today’s current U.S. population is either one of those Ellis Island immigrants or a decedent of one of those immigrants.

We enjoyed visiting the Statue of Liberty. We had seen it before from Battery Park, but had never been out to the island.

Yesterday, Monday morning, we rode with Mike & Marcia and drove into New York City from Jersey City. We found an underground parking lot and then walked to the World Trade Center. We spent several hours at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. Julie and I had not been to the WTC site since September 2002 and the new museum and memorial opened in 2011. It was very extensive, detailed and emotionally moved us to tears.

We spotted a NYPD Smart Car near the WTC. Then we headed to China Town for an early dinner.

Today we drove about 100-miles to Clarksboro, NJ and Timberlane Campground, which is the closest campground to Philadelphia.

Steve & Julie Cornelius

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