Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Merry Christmas

The past month here in Key West has gone by very quickly. We've grilled out here at our motorhome many nights.

We have also enjoyed dinner out at many of our favorite places, such as Sunset Lounge at the Navy base or Alonzo's Oyster Bar down by the Key West Bight marina.


We enjoyed a new place we tried for the first time, called The Blue Macaw.

Last Friday night we went to the 27th annual Key West “Bight” before Christmas lighted boat parade. It’s always fun to see all the decorated boats.


Tonight we met Ken, the son of our friends in Germany, whom we hadn't seen in 20 years. It was good to Ken and fun to catch up.

Sadly, we leave Key West this coming Saturday, December 23rd concluding our two-month stay. We will move up to LaBelle, Florida where we’ll spend a month. LaBelle is inland, just east of Ft. Meyers.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our family and friends.
Steve & Julie Cornelius

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