Sunday, August 12, 2018

Fairfield, CA

Our 9-night stay at the Travis AFB family campground has been fun but, the sky has been hazy, and then smoke-filled this past Friday night. There was a nearby grass fire.

We enjoyed a day trip last Wednesday to San Francisco with my sister Janet and her wife Nancy. We drove to Vallejo, only 15-miles from Travis, and took the passenger ferry from Vallejo to San Francisco. It was much better than fighting the traffic and then trying to find a place to park in the city. The ferry ride was about an hour each way.

We walked around San Francisco, including a stop to see the Millennium Tower, featured in last week’s episode of 60 Minutes. It leans because the footings didn’t go all the way down to bedrock.

We walked to the Mark Hopkins Hotel, but our favorite Top of the Mark bar didn’t open until 4:30 so we missed the view from the top. The we rode a cable car down to Fisherman’s Wharf for dinner at our favorite place for seafood, Scoma’s Restaurant. 

We drove to Sacramento to have dinner with Janet & Nancy. Afterwards, we went down to mid-town for dessert at Rick’s Dessert Diner and to celebrate Janet’s upcoming birthday. The German chocolate cake was yummy.

Yesterday we met Julie’s cousin Sandy in Woodland for lunch. It was great to catch up with Sandy.

We’re headed south tomorrow to spend three days in Chowchilla, CA. We may go to Yosemite National Park if the smoke clears out of the valley from the recent wildfire.
Steve & Julie Cornelius

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