Friday, August 3, 2018

Redwoods National Park

We left Salem, Oregon on Tuesday and headed to Klamath, California for a 3-night stay and to visit Redwood National Park. On the way down, we drove through some smoke from nearby wildfires outside of Grants Pass, Oregon.

We stayed at Klamath River RV Park, right on the Klamath River. It was a lot cooler (low-60s) and overcast every day we were there, compared to Washington and Oregon.

On Wednesday we drove a few miles up to Requa, on the other side of the Klamath River. We went up to the top of the hill to overlooking the mouth of the river where it runs into the Pacific. I was stationed there with the Air Force at the 777th Radar Squadron from 1971 to 1973. The buildings are all gone now but I do remember that winding road going to the radar site.  

On Thursday morning we set out for Redwood National Park, but first we drove along the Newton B. Drury scenic parkway through Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park.

Then we went to see the Lady Bird Johnson Grove of redwoods. She attended the dedication of the Redwood National Park 50-years ago in 1968. It was a nice hike into the woods to see the grove of redwoods named after her.

The redwoods were huge—up to 380 feet tall. The oldest redwood is estimated to be 2,200 years old. However only 5% of old-growth redwoods remain.

We’re currently on our way to Fairfield, CA and the Travis AFB family campground for a 9-night stay. 

Steve & Julie Cornelius

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